The quality of the water in Joreng was not good. A new well was drilled a little further away. The other components were retained.
The old water tower of Sanyang Beach was no longer safe and was replaced. The other components were retained.
We are expanding our water installation in Fula Kunku. The system with 8 taps in a central building will now have a double tower with 2 barrels of 10,000 liters. This way, water is still available after the deep pump has been switched off. In addition, 1,500 meters of pipes with 15 taps will be laid. The water is also accessible in more distant parts of the village and the women have to travel less.
The existing borehole and pump will be retained.
We are putting the finishing touches to the school in Fufford. Painting, placing benches for the students. The school is ready for the new school year.
180 students can take lessons in 6 classrooms. Three classes are for the Nursery school for the youngest from 4 to 7 years and three classes for the Lower Basic School grades 1 to 6.
In 2019 we installed the last central system in Fula Kunku, a building with a 1000 L water tank and 8 taps.
Now we are expanding the installation to our new standard; 2 towers with 2 5000 L barrels, 1500 m of pipes and 15 taps spread across the village.
The school in Fufor will be given a roof and the sanitary facilities will be finished.
In Daru Busumbala there is another water installation from 2012: a stone building with a 1000 L tank on the roof and some taps under a roof. The pump is defective and is being replaced.
The water installation in Sanyang Nimisat will be expanded. We are installing a second tower and 4000 L tank so that the storage capacity doubles. An additional 300 m of pipes will also be laid with 3 additional cranes.
Part of the costs are borne by the local community with the money they raised last year.
We are starting the new rice project. Two pieces of agricultural land, near the Gambia river, are being prepared and planted with climate-resistant rice.
We are really still in the early stages of the test and we are keeping the investment in this phase limited. The aim is initially to see whether this can be self-sufficient in the long term, which is essential for us. More news about this later. We hope that in the long term we will also succeed in making a positive contribution with this project.
The work on the new school in Fufor is progressing well thanks to the enthusiastic help from the entire village. The walls are ready to place the roof trusses.
Our fifth installation of this year will be in Faraba Bantang. Again 8000 L of storage, a pump powered by 5 solar panels, 1500 m of water pipes and 15 taps in public places.
A new water installation for Faraba Sutu Village. Our fourth installation this year. This is now our new standard: 8000 L storage, a pump powered by 5 solar panels, 1500 m water pipe and 15 taps on public places.
Rice is the most important staple food in Gambia. Upstream, along the Gambia River, there are many opportunities to grow rice.
In the past, this was also done extensively. Today, rice production has fallen significantly. Foreign investors have left, rice varieties that are not adapted to the climate were used and there are often not the right or sufficient technologies and mechanizations available. Gambia now imports expensive rice, more than 80% of its consumption, and leaves a lot of potential for its own rice production untapped.
Together with a few young Gambian entrepreneurs, Gammol wants to investigate how we can increase local rice production.
Rijstvelden langs de Gambia rivier